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Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Decluttering Mess

Wohoo!  Welcome 2013.  Awoo! Awoo!

2012 is not so special year for me.  The year was mostly consumed by work 3x.  Nevertheless, I am extremely thankful to God almighty that he protected my family from any severe illness.   My family were all in good health; plus my sister is pregnant I am going to be a Tito this year!

I would never have guessed flu will pick the last day of the year to visit me.  Thought I’ll mark 2012 as my first ever ill-free year, but sadly it chose this day for me to lay down and rest while everybody else’s celebrating.   But no, I need to do something productive before the year ends.  So I got up and declutter!   It wouldn’t call for much strength to cause a relapse.

My clothes are no longer smashed in pile.  The closet spaces were now maximized.

Bed covers were replaced and smoothen.

Work desk were dusted and organized.
Office Desk

Shelves were arranged.  I experimented with different arrangement until all things work and look good together.

With this little accomplishment I ended the day happy!

Now on the serious part.  Have you realize the more stuff you have, the more difficult you put this things to order?  There are things you keep that of little use  but consumed most spaces.

Well, I started the year with this entry, to remind me to eliminate my mess and only focus on things that really matter to me  those that bring meaning to my life.  I had to admit, my life is a mess at some point.

Promises most of the times are difficult to keep.  I am not setting any goals for the year; but I am writing in this form  a reminder, just in case I fail again and there is somewhat something will tap me “oops, you did it again”.  And I will start again, move forward, declutter until I completely surrender  and breath… finally I made it!




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